Fuse Examples

Playing with Layouts, Shapes and masl to implement an fancy indicator.

Playing with Layouts and ScrollView to implement a tabbar.

How to create a custom slider control and animate curves

How to create a button that serves as an alternative to a dropdown

How to add a drag-to-reorder behaviour on a list of items

How to create an immersive swipeable cards experience

List item to detail view animation

A neat 3D transition between two screens

Learn how to use UX expression functions to make sticky headers.

How to create a segmented code input control

Playing with PageControl and PageIndicator to implement an interactive infographic.

An endless feed that appends more items as the user scrolls near the bottom

Fitness app concept with a brutalist design

A neat material design card animation

How we can use PanGesture, ZoomGesture and RotateGesture to allow direct interaction with an element.

How you can use SwipeGesture to build a custom toggle control

Using EdgeNavigator to build a sidebar

Creating an animated loading indicator while using the BusyTask API.

Easily present a message when there is no data to display

Using the WhileBusy trigger while loading large images

Pages with a sweet parallax effect

Using the Selection API to create a set of radio buttons

Creating custom page transitions using Entering- and ExitingAnimation

How you can effortlessly apply real-time visual effects to any element

A button with a fancy animation

An e-commerce design with 3D page transitions

A cool animated tab bar

A custom day-night switch

An animated overlay menu

An example of how to use PageControl to make a neat on-boarding experience

Scratching the surface of what you can do with ScrollingAnimation

Animating between the states of a sign-up flow

Swipe sideways to browse cards, swipe upwards for details

A new take on navigation between tabs

An animated circular menu button

A weather app concept which uses clipping for a neat transition effect

A curly navigation animation

Take pictures with a halftone effect, tweak them with customized sliders

A welcoming introduction screen

An animated up-vote button

A gallery where you can browse and delete pictures

A cool reveal animation

A fully functioning stopwatch with dashing animations

A fun pull-to-reload animation

A loading button with different success and error animations

An example of how to animate a hamburger icon into a cross

An Inbox with done and postpone actions

The famous card swipe control

A fancy rotating sidebar

Advanced use of Entering-/ExitingAnimation

Creating neat animations in response to scrolling

Style your controls using inline styles to make them unique

A todo app with multiple transitions

Navigate between pages with a custom tab bar navigation setup

Easily implement interpolation using an attractor

See how easy it is to design a social media experience

Get JSON data using fetch and present it as a news feed

Interesting transitions between pages with LayoutMaster

See how easy it is to add some animation when you're adding and removing content from your lists

A list of buttons navigating to and from pages

Create animations in response to user input with triggers and animators

Parsing JSON fetched over HTTP and displaying the results

A series of slides using PageControl

A more complex layout using grids and docking

More examples